AGM 2023

Our AGM took place on Saturday 25th November in Cappawhite Resource Centre.

The following officers were elected for 2024:

Life Presidents: Fr Pat O’Neill, Fr Dermot O’Neill, Fr Jim Egan, Jerry Creedon, Paul O’Neill, Liam Treacy.

Honorary President: Willie Meagher

Chairman: Noel Buckley
Vice Chairman: Dan Ryan (P)

Secretary: Kathleen Kiely
Assistant Secretary: Éanna Buckley

Treasurer: John McGrath
Assistant Treasurer: Tommy Coughlan

PRO: Éanna Buckley

Bord na nÓg Chairman: Ned Carmody

Health & Wellness: Owen Doody & Karen Ryan

Membership: Kathleen Kiely & Owen Doody

Insurance: Liam Treacy

Development: Dan Ryan (P)

Fundraising: Joe Carmody
Social: Niamh Julian
Irish Language & Culture: Bríd McGrath

Player Reps: Thomas Costello, David Buckley & Ciaran Ryan (P)

West Board Rep: Noel Buckley
County Board Rep: Michael McCarthy
Ladies Football Rep: Mairead Julian Kilmartin

Committee: Tony Breheny, Sean Carmody, Thos Martin, John O’Dwyer, Franny Quinn, Cecilia Walshe.

We will celebrate our 2023 successes with our Bord na nÓg & adult medal ceremony nights taking place in the New Year. More information to follow.

(L-R): Tommy Coughlan, Éanna Buckley, John McGrath, Paul O’ Neill, Liam Treacy, Kathleen Kiely, Noel Buckley, Willie Meagher.

By procappawhite Sat 23rd Dec